So - I kept on trying...
in hopes that they would randomly BOTH look at the camera at the same time.
There are like 80 shots just like these.
Ummm...definitely not working.
Maybe another time.
By the way - you may notice how HUGE Charlie looks sitting next to Avery. That's because he weighs 16 pounds now.
(Just about all 16 of those pounds are located right in those big 'ol chunky thighs!)
Avery weighs 21 pounds.
They are already wearing the same size diapers. Isn't that a hoot?! My Big Boy looooves to eat.

My camera is full of these kind of pictures too :)
16 pds - that's awesome! Gavin is 9 months and only has one pound on him :)
That's hilarious! He will outgrow her soon! :)
PS. I want you to hand down your kids clothes to me. hahaha Seriously- They are the best dressed kids EVER.
just wait until those chunky thighs are on the'll just be seeing the back of his head then!
love their outfits!
and so it begins! it is seriously impossible to take a decent picture of more than one child. about the time charlie learns to look at you, avery will start doing the chandler smile!
You've gotta admit that that last picture is just about perfect, even if they aren't looking. Oh, you have some beautiful children.
Savannah is JUST like Avery in weight. She was only 16 pounds when she turned a year - ha! I always wished she was a little bigger because I love big ol' chunky baby thighs and rolls.
I think you got some really great pictures! I know - maybe not exactly posed as you had in mind, but so cute! And so 'real life'. :)
Adorable!! My Jay and Noe were both VERY chunky babies - and I LOVED it. :)
They never look at the camera at the same time do they? I have the same trouble with my three :)
Ok, first off, ADORABLE outfits!
Secondly, I totally remember those days!! Although the pictures aren't "perfect" you will look back and love just as much as if they were.
Fortunately, mine are old enough to bribe now. However, I learned that it is wiser to give them the candy/ice cream/cookies (I know, I'm a bad mommy) AFTER the picture! :)
And this is why we have so few pictures of our two together. It just ain't happenin! You did get some cute shots, but it's hard not to with such cute kiddos.
I love the one of Avery with her mouth kind of open. I think it's precious. And I like the last one if you can crop out the hand. I was telling John last night about his chunky thighs. I love em'!
shoot, i can't even get one of just faith, so kudos to you for trying with two! and i think it's high-larious they are in the same size diapers. maybe charlie will catch up with faith one day ;) course she's a good 17 lbs. heavier than avery, so he's got some ground to make up!
Oh, I feel your pain girl. I even posted it about it the Wednesday before Easter. I probably try at least once a week to get a portrait of the kids together but still no luck. One is always crying or making a face or something, grrrr... Your shots are so cute though - the kids look adorable in their outfits!
They're so cute! I love the last one :)
love his chubby legs!!! just want to squeeze them :)
i wish i could tell you that the picture taken will get easier but it hasn't for me & my boys are 2 & 5. so sorry!!! but the pictures are still cute even if they aren't looking right into the camera.
Oh, they are both absolutely adorable! I have a big chubby baby boy too! I have the hardest time getting him and my Avery to cooperate for pictures. I do love that last one of your babies especially sweet!
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