He is...breath-taking and fabulous and awesome beyond words.
He looks just like our Avery did when she was a newborn (with less hair), but his personality is COMPLETELY different from Avery's.
From the moment Avery entered the world, she demonstrated a "flair for the dramatic".
So far, it seems that our teeny, tiny Charlie-Man is a laid-back little guy.
Avery is adjusting pretty well for a 2-year-old facing a world-rocking event like this one.
She affectionately calls Charlie "my baby bruder" and when someone else besides mommy or daddy dares to hold baby Charlie, she adamately insists, "NO! MY baby Charlie!".
She kisses him (with vigor) and hugs him (with enthusiasm).
She pats his back (a little too hard) and squeezes his little toes (MORE than a little too hard) all while saying, "awww".
In this picture, she is covering him with her favorite blankie and hugging him (a.k.a. smothering him).
So sweet. So precious.
Remember that poem I talked about a few months ago? The one that goes:
There once was a girl
who had a little curl
right in the middle of her forehead
and when she was good,
she was very, very good
but when she was bad
she was horrid
That's my Avery.
Just when you go thinking that she's just about the sweetest little thing in the entire world, she goes and proves that she is still just a toddler. A toddler who isn't so sure about the new kid who is stealing her spotlight.
The other day, I said, "Avery, isn't Charlie cute?"
She looked at me and promptly...
hit him on the head.
In other news:
I'm doing well and steadily recovering from my C-Section.
I've officially stepped into the Wonderful World of Nursing and feel like a cross between

and This:

Try not to be too jealous.
I am so happy to see your post! Charlie is such a beautiful baby boy.
Seems like Avery is doing pretty good.....Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! You have many things to be thankful for!
Avery looks like a proud big sis!!!
aw, i love it!! sounds like avery is doing so great, all things considered!
Love it! He is just precious! That picture of Dolly is hilarious!!
What little sweetie-pies you have there!
The last pics are very funny. :)
Dear Dolly,
Charlie is beautiful! And Avery sounds like a great big sis already.
Hee, hee...
avery is one proud BIG sister... such a cute pic of her loving on charlie!
man, do i remember the days of being the size of dolly... my husband loved it!!! haha
I picked a terrible time to get behind on blogging :)
He is so precious!!
I'm so laughing! :) This post was really sweet, but man the nursing thing is too funny! :)
i remember those days...all of them!
being a cross between dolly and a holstein, and the early days of sibling rivalry.
she'll come around! it's tough for our firstborn little princesses!
So happy for your family! I can practically smell him.
Those pictures describe early nursing perfectly!
Stumbled across your blog. Love the crafts!!
The babies are beautiful. Congratulations!
Tell me you don't craft when you are suppose to be sleeping these days!
Oh my goodness, you made me laugh out loud! :) My boy is totally laid back too...always has been, quite literally from the second he came out. :)
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