I'm still pregnant.
I'm still grouchy.
I'm still tired.
I'm still insane.
Poor David.
Baby Charlie is just big enough now to feel like he's going to bust on through my skin in Alien Style at any moment. Sometimes, I swear I can almost make out the outline of his toes and knees pushing against my belly. It's crazy.
We had our doctor appointment today and Charlie is doing great. I am healthy and feeling well except for crabbiness and extreme exhaustion. I blame my ill disposition on my total and complete lack of sleep - caused in part by David's very loud snoring (despite the fact that he isn't allowed near the bed unless he's wearing a Breathe Right strip. I'm so mean!) and my humongo belly.
Oh - and the fact that I have a highly demanding 2-year-old.
And a big, obnoxious, stinky dog who tracks dirt into my house all the time.
And neighbors who STILL won't take their recycling bin to the street - after 1 year.
Ahh...Venting. It feels so right it can't be wrong.
Anyway - without grossing you out too much, I'll say (as delicately as I can) that I am 70% you-know-what but not "d-wording" just yet. My doctor seemed surprised that Charlie was so low (Despite the fact that I told him that I felt like he was super low - Why do they never believe you??).
I have another appointment next week - just a few days before my scheduled C-section.
Oh my gosh, I'm about to have another child. Yikes!
I just vomited a little in my mouth.
Hang in there Jennifer! You doing great and look fabulous!
you look great!
well, i hate to be a downer, but the 2 year old, dog, and pesky neigbors will still all be there after you deliver!
but i'm sure you'll be sleeping a ton better. not a ton, but a ton better...just in wee increments.
i thought the first few weeks of having two would kill me...so in case i forget to encourage you later...it does get better!!!
Wow. You are 38 weeks and you look this great? I would not have dared to put up a 38-week preggo pic of myself...I was way too puffy (we'll just blame it on the water retention). You are as cute as can be.
You are the cutest little pregnant lady I think I've ever seen...keep hanging in there!!!
DO you have any idea how adorable you are pregnant!?!?
I just can't get over it! If I looked like you did, I may have 12 kids :)
Hang in there...and vent away :)
I am so glad you're hanging in there. I got worried when I realized you hadn't blogged in a whole week. Guess the craftiness is taking priority :)
Oh.Wow. You are beautiful!! :)
I know those last few weeks can be rough and seem to d-r-a-g by. Praying for you!! So looking forward to meeting Charlie. :)
So precious I could just squeeze ya! Of course, I won't be coming anywhere near you until this thing I have goes away. So for now, I will love ya from a-far!
I will say what everyone else has said...You look fabulous!!! Looking forward to reading all about Charlie!
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