I mean, what exactly is it?
Is it a craft blog?
a mom blog?
a serious blog?
a "laugh at life" blog?
So in order to simplify stuff, some of my friends and I have started a blog for our Craft Club called "Martha Mondays". The blog will feature pictures and tutorials for the projects we make during our craft club. I'm super excited about it.
My friend Maribeth and I spent an insanely long time racking our pathetically trashed baby brains for a creative title to our blog.
What we discovered is that we aren't really that creative when it comes to making up blog names.
Our names were totally lame.
Uninspired even.
The one name we REALLY wanted was "She's Crafty", but someone else took that.
For a very short while, we tried to enlist the help of our husbands.
They came up with names like:
Meet the Smockers
(slightly inappropriate, and we don't smock)
Are We Crafty? I Gesso.
(funny, but a little long...and most people don't know what Gesso is)
Kiss My Craft
(um, yeah...)
I won't even write some of the most inappropriate ones.
Let's just say it went downhill from there.
Needless to say, It didn't take long for us to totally dismiss the boys from their blog naming rights.
Ultimately, we came back to "Martha Mondays".
Martha - like Martha Stewart and Martha of the Bible
and Mondays - because that's the night our craft club meets.
Really creative, right?
oh well.
AnyHOO, check out our new blog:
Martha Mondays

I'll have to stop by and check it out. I like the name!
Love it! Can't wait to read more and get inspired. :)
LOL at their titles...
going to check it out...great idea!
Before I leave to check it out, I have to say that your hubby and his friend CRACKED ME UP with these titles! Especially Meet the Smockers. Hahah!
Remember that time Missy let Walker guest blog for her and wrote a bunch of hilarious things about her? I think you should let your hubby do that for you - he sounds as funny as you are. :)
"I Gesso"
I got it... Cute! :)
Martha Mondays looks great! I will be visiting often!
i'm so excited about this because everything you make is so awesome!
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