Avery got her very first
Unfortunately, our good buddy Dave Ramsey says that we can't buy an actual bed for our little one until the next paycheck. errrr...
So for now, Avery is sleeping sans headboard - that's the fancy way of saying "on a mattress on the floor".
We went to a very "Dave Ramsey friendly" establishment to buy our mattress: Crazy Mike's Mattress World.
The Boss said, "Let 'M go!".
You can't argue with that logic.
I'm under the impression that any place with "Crazy" in the name is destined to be a good deal. A CRAZY good deal, even.
That being said, there are only a few things that I would actually consider buying from a store with the "crazy" in the title.
It's safe to say that I won't be buying anything from:
Crazy Mike's Meat World
Crazy Mike's Shoe World
Crazy Mike's Diaper World
Crazy Mike's Chinese Restaurant
'Cause ultimately, I'm just not that crazy. or thrify.
Thankfully, Crazy Mike's Mattress World did us right.
I don't know how Crazy Mike felt about Avery testing the beds out the "toddler way", but she had a blast jumping on each.and.every.one.
I'm pretty sure that a toddler's version of Heaven includes a gigantic room full of beds to jump on.
Avery l-o-o-o-v-e-s her new "Big Girl Bed" and has actually slept in it for the last two nights!
Sort of.
She still ended up in Mommy and Daddy's bed at 2 am both nights, but we're working on it...

congrats! i've got the big boy mattress up against the wall. haha. it's the whole letting go of the comfort of the crib for mommy. haha. and same with the potty..sheesh...it's soo hard. haha. j/k. the room is so cute!!
Yeah! We are getting ready to make the move to a big girl bed at our house too! I am nervous!
super duper cute! love that old crazy mike!
did you guys do the dave ramsey negotiating?
did you say ... that's not good enough?
Man, I love that little girl's face - she could not be any more excited about having her own personal room full of trampolines. :)
You hanging in there with Dave Ramsey? ARe you going to the weekly classes?
Yay for big girl beds! Any falling out in the middle of the night?
Wahoo Avery! She is a very cute big girl. :-)
We need to make that move for Caleb...sniff.
YAAYY! the big girl bed is such an exciting time. All of these moments I always find a bit sad though as it reminds me that they are growing up.
Love and Prayers,
Hi Jennifer!
I'm visiting all of my followers today to inform you all that I have 2 new giveaways on my blog! You could win a Custom, Handstamped Silver Necklace (winner chooses which one!)...or...2 Fork Easels w/ Recipe Cards! :)
If you've already entered - thanks!
to be a fly on the wall of the mattress store...what a hoot.
come on...no crazy mike's diaper store?!? i'm sure those leakers would leave a super nice spot on your couch ;)
hope you don't have any visitors at 2AM this morning...
when you find out how to keep her in the bed all night please pass it on. b (2 1/2) still comes in our bed almost every night. which means no good sleep for me since he practually sleeps right on top of me!!!
Our 6 and 4 year old STILL sleep on a matress on the floor. They LOVE it. And it's safe. And I am a freakishly worried mother. "They could fall out of bad if they had a bed!!" Yeah - anyway, it's a fine way to go. :)
LOVE the pictures! She has such a pretty room. But really, you are the mom - the decorator of the home. Any thing less than pretty would be shocking. :)
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