Oh how I love him!
That precious smile is going to be my downfall...I just know it.
Charlie's other first:
Taking a nap in his crib.
Never mind the fact that it was only 10 minutes long.
He still did it.
All by himself.
Mommy is so proud.
It's the little things, you know?
After his 10 minute siesta, he started WAILING, so I put him back in his car seat... where he slept like a....baby.
What? His car seat?
Yep. His car seat.
I know. I'm a total redneck. My kid sleeps in his car seat. But he does it FOR up to 5 HOURS AT A TIME.
Laugh all you want, I don't care. I'm taking the sleep WHERE ever I can get it. HOWever I can get it!
Don't feel bad! Ally took naps in her carseat, too!! You take what you can get!! :)
SOmedays, it's totally about survival!!! I love it! I miss those little arms up during nap time...so sweet:)
When S was little I read everything I could find on sleeping. Some people even put the carseat in the crib to try to transition them. I thought about putting the swing in there (where S would sleep) but decided against it due to safety reasons.
So precious......and yes, get that sleep!!!
sweet,sweet,sweet - nothing like those first smiles!! Let him sleep WHEREever he will!!
I remember that first smile so well... I was waiting and waiting and then he just...did it! Oh the joy. :) Also, that first nap in the crib is AWESOME. Don't you feel like you are just free, when they are not right next to you? I think I checked on him 15 trillion times though. AND after we moved him to the crib, our son slept in a bouncy seat for two months because of his reflux. He would scare the daylights out of us spitting up and choking so he slept in the bouncy, in the crib. Whatever works, I say!!
I love the pictures of Charlie! He is so precious. Seth loved sleeping in his car seat, too. I don't think he wenat to his crib until he was at least two months old, maybe three. Perhaps it's a snug fit so they feel all safe and warm or something. Who cares why, so long as they sleep!
New to your blog, but just wanted to say that my youngest slept in his travel swing a lot. It was a cozy contraption where legs don't dangle and the only place that he slept soundly!
No laughing here!! WHATEVER works! Whatever works.
My little one slept in his car seat in his crib. It worked! I would say to everyone "I don't care if he takes his car seat to college--HE IS SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!" My pediatrician said that he may have an issue with reflux (even though he didn't have any signs of it) and the angle of the car seat helps him to feel more comfortable. He also always slept really well in his swing. If it works--do it! :)
What a bundle of pure cuteness! Oh that smile...yep, that would so be my downfall too.
And a 10 minute nap in the crib is certainly something to rejoice over!
you gotta let them sleep wherever they will do it!!! otherwise we would all go crazy!! lol. my son has that pacifier and at 19 months still loves it. :)
my lily was a carseat sleeper too! i think they just feel so safe and snuggly in there!
take what you can get for sure!
Beautiful baby room.. I love that smile. He is gorgeous.
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