I love bloggy carnivals.
As you can tell by my lack of blogging, I've been totally uninspired this week. Nester's bloggy carnival was just the push I needed to get me movin' again.
This is Avery's room.

I found her tiny chandelier a few years ago on clearance at Lowe's.
It was a banged up, dusty, floor model. And silver.
I had to have it. It needed me.
I took off the crystals, cleaned it up a bit, and spray painted it a flat cream color.
All for $30.
Yup. $30.
One of my proudest shopping moments. Ever.

I have a little nightlight for Avery's room that I made from one of those night light kits from Hobby Lobby.
It was seriously easy peasy to do: I just cut a square of fabric to fit the shade, stuck it on the self adhesive lamp shade, and embellished with a little bit of fringe.

It's been loved on a bit by Avery, but it still works like a charm.
Total cost: $6.00
Lastly, I found an idea somewhere on the internet to create a lampshade cover for that sweet little milk glass lamp I just bought. Since I can't sew yet, I enlisted the help of my super-sewer friend Kris.
As luck would have it, when I was ready to make it, I couldn't find the tutorial again. So - my friend Kris
Didn't she do a great job? Cutie, cute, cute.

She told me that you make it the same way you make a drawstring skirt.
Whatever that means.
I just nodded like I knew what she was talking about...
Anywhoo...I hot-glued the edges of the slipcover to the lampshade for a cleaner look, but you could just leave it hanging there too. Either would be too cute.
There are some grrreat ideas out there in bloggy land.
Check out Nester's blog for more inspiration!

love it all!
i whip up a drawstring skirt every few weeks...don't you?!?
I love it all!! Seriously! And that milk glass lamp is TO DIE FOR!!
And the chandelier?? Oh my!
Love your milk glass, too! I'm so inspired to go out and by a chandelier for my little girl's room now!
The chandelier DID need you and you came through for it. I love the nightlight!
Thanks for sharing! My husband and I don't have very much to work wiht at all, he just gratuated 5 years of school and work is slow to dead so I need to always remember to be simple and thrifty. Thanks for the ideas and inspiration!
Love that chandelier! It's been fun checking out all the lamps from the nesters party! BTW, I am a pastor's wife too! :) Best wishes!
you're so crazy! and here i thought you were totally on board with my rambling about the skirt ;) love all the lamps, makes me want a chandelier for faithy's room!
I have been coveting that chandelier since the first time I saw it! Been keeping my eye open for another $30.00 special. Still waiting....
I love the lampshade slipcover! So sweet for a little girl's room.
Cute. Cute. Cute.
You're SO creative.
I love milk glass and used lots of it in my girls' room.
Love the chandelier.
Love the fabrics.
The chandelier is super cute!
LOVE the chandelier. Avery's room is super cute! You did a great job! I was laughing again when I read that you can't sew YET. That is what I say all the time. I plan on learning and have a strong desire but no time. I'm with ya, sister.
Oh, about the camera...I have a Nikon D40. I wanted the D80 but didn't have the patience to wait until I saved that much money so I buckled and went with the D40. I LOVE it! Huge difference in pictures from my ol' Sony point & shoot. I still have a ton to learn but until then I am content shooting in auto and having fun.
Absolutely LOVE the chandelier. Great find.
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