I realized that I wrote "this blog is for our family", but I truly love the new bloggy friends who've stumbled into my life through it. I feel connected to so many of you now. I love to hear your comments and read about what's going on in your lives.
Although we can't go grab a coffee and chat in person, I feel like I have very real relationships with many of you through our blogs. I love that.
So - keep on reading...as long as you want! I'll keep on reading your blogs too. You are always, always, welcome, my sweet friends.
Ok - so I promised to explain a little about MyBecca...
Here she is:
She's Dora's replacement and Avery's current BFF.
Poor Dora got a little used and abused and Avery's on to bigger and better things now.
Looking at that poor Dora doll makes me think about The Velveteen Rabbit.
Which, honestly, makes me want to cry a little on the inside.
Just a bit, though...'cause that's kind of a weird thing to do.
MyBecca is named after Avery’s favorite character from her Children’s Bible: Rebecca.
I'm not really sure why the story of Rebecca is Avery's favorite, but I have a little theory:
Rebecca gets married to Isaac in the story...and for some unexplained reason, Avery is obsessed with getting married these days.
It seems that she's not really picky about who she will marry, but just that she'll get to do it.
Somedays, she wants to marry mommy.
Somedays, it's daddy.
Sometimes, it's Bay Chahlie (a.k.a. baby charlie)
and even sometimes, it's her little friend Miller.
It’s a new trend that I’m not sure I like that much.
Even in the backwoods, marriage isn’t acceptable until at least 12. I was hoping we at least had a couple of more years to worry about that business.
It's kinda freaking me out a little bit.
MyBecca was a gift to Avery at Christmas. Once upon a time, she had lovely, nicely groomed hair.

photo from www.fisher-price.com
Not so much anymore.
Oh wait...here's the back.
It's really essential to view all angles to truly appreciate the magnificently large bouffant on this little doll.
I’m soooo grateful for MyBecca. She's been a good influence on Avery. For now, she seems content to twirl MyBecca’s hair instead of her own, and her hair is actually starting to grow in a little.
Which, honestly, makes me want to cry a little on the inside.
For that reason, we keep close tabs on the Becster.

first off, i thought it was Mabecca, pronounced muhbecca. secondly, i don't remember her coiff EVER looking like that stock photo. and lastly, miller told carter recently he didn't want to marry her, he wanted to marry avery and as sweet as it was, it made me a little sad in my heart as well. who wants to think about that inevitability?? (i may have just made up a word, but if it is not, then it should be!)
oh my word. she is too cute. avery i mean. she would be cute even if she had NO hair. i love reading your blog and i feel like i know avery! haha i can't wait to see what kind of personality chawhlie develops. im sorry, i cant say the name charlie without thinking about charlie bit me and saying it in an english accent. :)
me either, kodi!
I need to get Jamison one of those dolls...ugh! You made me laugh with the backwoods comment.
THAT's a video I wanna see on this blog. Get on that Jennifer! :)
Thanks for writing, I actually put your link on my dashboard so I can keep up and check in with you when you post a new entry. I also put you on my page so you can gain new readers. Blessings!
Oh, the click-on clothes dolls! Savannah loves hers - and yes - the hair NEVER stays nice and neat like it is in the stock picture. Ha!
That last picture - how can you stand all the daddy/daughter sweetness? Melts my heart.
Oh, that is the sweetest thing ever. Love stories like this. :)
LOVE IT! Laughed the whole post through!!! Better MyBecca's hair than yours or Avery's! Love ya, chick!
Awe... She's so cute! Maybe I will have a little girl one day and get all the little dolls too.
I also have to remind myself of the reason I began my blog. I like to journal about the fun everyday things that I might forget about one day.
i love following her twirling addiction! man, she was just born a few decades too late. she wouldn't have needed a teasing comb back in the day!
its better that she twirls hair than cuts it with scissors!!! haha
that last picture is pure cuteness - daddy & daughter! love it!!!
I just found your blog and I too blog. I know it is hard or even discouraging sometime but as a busy stay at home mom of 2 I began mine for the same as yours but also for unsaved family members who never step inside church. I pray that they will somehow see HIM through our family and see how blessed they really are. I know of only a handful of my family members and a few people from church the do keep up with my blog but admit to not commenting. That's ok to me. I'm good with that. As you said I think looking back to when I started I have been blessed more than anything to see how God has brought me through so much. I don't write on there as much as I would like. You Jennifer are very creative! I'm not a crafty one but I do really enjoy looking at all your things. God sure has gifted you. You and I seem to have a lot in common. Looks like we have 2 kids a girl then a boy. I think we were both born on the same day (March 9th?) Is that right? My husband and I married Jan. 5 2002. When's your anniversary? Ha ha sorry I was on a roll. Only my husband isn't a preacher but he and I do teach a sunday school class together. He is a engineer though.
April Lyon
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