Spring is here and our little Avery is getting so big. So much has happened since my last post! I guess it's time for a little update...
We will begin construction on our house in a couple of weeks. The plan is to enclose our carport to create an additional playroom for Avery. It will be nice to have a little extra room.
Last month, we celebrated our first official Easter with Avery --- since last year she was too little to do much. We had such a fun time watching Avery discover how to hunt for Easter eggs. We had a full weekend. On Good Friday, we took a trip to the zoo with our friends the Johnsons. On Saturday morning, we went to our church's egg hunt. It was so chilly that morning! Avery's favorite part of the morning was eating chips and checking out the "boons" (a.k.a balloons). After that, we met the Malahy's for an egg hunt at the Botanic Gardens. We spent Sunday morning at church and had lunch at my parent's house. After that, Avery spent time with her little cousin Lily at David's grandparent's house. By the end of the weekend, Avery was starting to understand that the little eggs were supposed to be put inside the basket. Holidays are so much fun when you have a little one to enjoy them with. It is really cool to watch a little person discover something new for the very first time.
Avery's vocabulary has really started to increase over the past month. She tells me when she wants more of something, says "pease" (please) and "dah" (a touch of German!) for "yes". She can repeat a variety of words and seems to understand much more than she can say. She loves taking baths (I basically have to make her get out of the tub every night) and trying to put on her own shoes and socks. But her new favorite word is definitely "no". She says it all the time. Recently, I overheard her yelling "no" in the next room. When I walked in to check on her, I caught her looking into the mirror and pointing to the baby in the mirror saying,"no" with a very serious look on her face! It was so funny!!!